The Simplicity of SOUS VIDE


Sous vide cooking is the process of vacuum-sealing raw food in plastic pouches and cooking it slowly in a temperature-controlled water bath. The water is held at the final temperature you want the food to reach and the food is left submerged until it reaches that temperature (for instance, a medium-rare steak would be cooked at 130°F until it reaches 130°F).

The history of Sous Vide cooking method was born in 1974 by Chef Georges Pralus in France. In these years, foie gras was incredibly popular and expensive dish. As Chef George cooked foie gras, he would notice something that foie gras shrink by up to fifty percent and lose its natural shape. He believed, there must be a way to prevent it. As he started experimenting new techniques he heard about vacuum-packing being used to preserve foods in factories. Soon after, He would use this technique on his foie gras, wrapping it in several layers of plastic to expel any air and cooking it in a water bath. The experiment worked. The restaurant saved a lot of money and the culinary industry has gained a new culinary method.


Sous vide affords precise temperature control, results can be repeated with ease. With traditional cooking techniques, temperature control is tricky. Sous vide makes it possible to be very specific about the degree of doneness that you prefer. Consistency comes in other forms too; portion size , product quality, healthfulness, and food hygiene. All important whether you are cooking in a busy restaurant or at home. 


According to some Chefs and people who works in the kitchen that they say, sous vide is unnatural, strange and unnecessary method. I am old school too. When comes to cooking, I would like to see, touch, smell and feel what I do, for me, it is part of the game and fascinates me to discover the essence of foods. there has been many rumours regarding sous vide cooking methods. Since I started working in a restaurant and working with a young chef gave me a opportunity to explore the new and old school things in the kitchen. I became familiar to sous vide cooking method in last few months. We do prepare short rib, octopus, beets, by using sous vide technique. In my opinion, It is an effective way and healthy. It gives you perfect doneness and tenderness. I like using sous vide circulator machine in the modern culinary field.





Sous Vide can be used for almost everything. Nowadays, sous vide machines has been developed. There are several brands that produce sous vide circulator machine.


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